Monday 20 February 2017

Techniques for CA Exams and other exams

While answering on Quora for a similiar question, I felt that all answer given there by experts should be shared widely for CA aspirants help and hence I wrote, edited and compiled them.
My sincere request to other CAs/experts, if you can suggest other methods, that would be great for all of us.
To start with, I would say: Number of revisions are directly proportional to success at CA exams. The more revision you do, the more chances are you will see “PASS” on your result day.
Now, use following techniques while studying:
  1. Fix a day of a week when you will revise all what you have studied in last six days. This is very much helpful technique and helps a lot in retaining things. The most important one.
  2. Follow limited and good books/sources according to your own wiring: Don’t go for Surbhi Bansal/Bhandari Handbooks if you can’t elaborate things correctly. Find what all are saying/following and then get the best which suits you and not others. Suno sabki, karo khud ki.
  3. Discipline: You don’t have any other option than to study regularly. Once in 15 days if your mood is not to study, it's perfectly fine. But don’t let that happen every fifth day. Be strict to your self as that’s going to pay back you maximum.
  4. I believe, CA exams are also testing our attitude. Attitude to how you respond/react to hard subjects/topics or to tough/lengthy first paper and that how you make yourself feel while being under hammer for 4 months and specially last 15 days continuously. Be positive no matter what. Keep yourself motivated. I used to have motivational audios in my phone.
  5. Time management: Manage your time that you have in your hand. If you are on 6–7 month leave and if your friend is on 3–4 month leave, both being average student, I will bet for your friend. More leaves may mean longer requirement of discipline and self control/strictness. I personally feel leave of 4-4.5 months is pretty sufficient if you have taken half of the classes. e.g. I cleared in my second attempt with 2.5 months leave when I didn't take even full classes till first attempt leaves.
  6. Further, how you manage subjects is also important. Giving equal weight (Your comfort on subject on scale*time) to each subject.
  7. Hard and smart work of course.
  8. While studying, keep making a plan in mind that how you are going to revise this topic day before exam. Make short notes on bookpage itself and read them while revising.
  9. Studying 2-3 subjects daily breaking monotonous way.  
  10. Not leaving a single topic untouched. Strictly. Don't believe ICAI if it has not given any question from a topic in last 5 years and hence if you think this topic will not be asked in exam. Probability is question will come in your attempt.
  11. Going through complete RTP and practice manual.
  12. If you feel like, I am there to help.
More edits/suggestions may follow. Share if you think it helps others.
All the best!!

Answer originally given here