Sunday 15 April 2018

Two Things. Not For Rapists BUT FOR YOU.

Two things:

1. You are condemning the rapists. Good. But plz also look into yourself. You are using abusive language and doing exactly the same things through your words which they did with action. Although they did with someone stranger.

Not supporting them. But criticizing you for just burning a candle when you feel like.
Stop using abusive words. There are many other cool things if you really want to appear cool.

First you show respect to them. Then you will be more powerful to condemn rapists.

If you really want to see the change, YOU WILL BRING IT.

2. Why does it have to be unique to catch your attention? Why does it have to happen at someplace beyond imagination like a running bus or a temple to force you to speak against rape?

Why there is this category of USUAL RAPE & NIRBHAYA/ASIFA CASE. A rape is a rape. Why we don't stand against each and every case? Because Rape happens every day and you are too busy to stand against each rape? May be. So we pick up the ones which are too horrific and stand against those selective ones.

But God forbid, if you don't stand against each rape today, you may have to beg people to stand against the one with your known. Yes, harsh hitting but I need to tell you this.

That's it.